Friday, August 26, 2016

Week Two

Memory Verse: (Quiz on Thursday)

2 John  And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

Week Two:
Objective: To examine our walk with God and our goals for this 8th Grade year
Part 1--Pick three Bible verses that display your goals for the year. (Due Thursday, Sept. 1)

Part 2-- What are your goals for this year as an 8th grader (Due: TBA)
Part 3--Write an essay explaining how you are going to achieve your goals for this year. How will the verse you choose help you to accomplish your goals. (Due: Wednesday--Typed Both 8-1 & 82)
Welcome Back!
I hope you had a great summer. I can't wait to see all of you this week.  A couple of facts about me is that I am from New Jersey, I have been at Trinity for 14 years, and my favorite color is red.   I am blessed to have two children named Mary Kate and Paul.  Mary Kate is seven and Paul is 15 months. This summer I spent time at the beach, traveled to upper state NY, and truly enjoyed the my children. I look forward to seeing you this year!